Do you really believe in the concept of the soul? Here are some issues that call into question the existence of the soul.

1. If our soul is a perfect creation of God, there would be no reason for god to test it here on earth. Therefore God makes all souls on earth imperfect on purpose. If God makes us imperfect on purpose, How can it be a sin (offensive to god) to be imperfect. How can we be dammed for being a “broken” soul when god made us that way in the first place?

2. 50% of fertilized eggs do not develop and are simply passed by the body. If the moment of conception is when God imbues the new zygote with a soul, and then half of them die as part of God’s plan, why would God have given these fertilized eggs a soul in the first place, and how could we determine that abortion is bad when God’s plan prescribes it so often?

3. If souls are implanted at the moment of conception, but twins are the result of a zygote that divides into to embryos up to two weeks after conception, where does the second soul come from? Does one soul split in two? or does God not always imbue souls at the moment of conception? If there are two souls for twins, who later develop into a Chimera, a single person where one twin was absorbed by the other, does that person get two souls? Note that we do have examples where fraternal twins were absorbed and the resulting person has two different sets of DNA in one living being.

4. If we assume that God is all knowing and knows all the future outcomes, and could simply decide to imbue a soul whenever he wants, avoiding imbuing eggs that he knows won’t make it to full term, then abortion can never be considered murder as God would have known in advance that an abortion was going to happen and wouldn’t waist a soul on that embryo either.

5. If you accept that evolution is true, and human populations descended from earlier proto-human hominids, there is no clear line that can divide the first humans from their ancestors, so how could we tell at what point did God start imbuing souls into our ancestors?

6. Seeing as the flawed concept of the soul as described by Aristotle roughly 350 years before Jesus existed, and who’s view was males get their soul 40 days after conception, and females get theirs at 80 days, is so obviously arbitrary, but was later adopted by the catholic church in the 12th and 13th centuries, and differs greatly from current day beliefs which are inconsistent across various Christian denominations, and even more inconsistent with the beliefs of many other world religions, how could anyone ever accept the completely unscientifically supported concept as a fact?

7. Without a soul what would god have left to punish after we die? How can beings without souls in the first place be saved from eternal damnation of the soul?

8. Why is there no verifiable evidence for a soul after hundreds of years of scientific inquiry into whether they exist?

The soul is the single most dead concept in all of science. – Matt Dillahunty